
If the fire alarm sounds or you are otherwise notified to evacuate the building, exit via the stairwells. Exit at Floor 1 and rendezvous with your employees on the perimeter sidewalks away from the building. Please do not block any entrance to the buildings or parking spaces. Someone in your suite should verify that all employees and visitors are accounted for upon evacuation. The Fire Department will need verification that your space is completely clear in order to proceed with further emergency efforts.

All evacuated occupants are to remain at least 100 feet from the building in the designated assembly area until Fire Department personnel notify tenants that it is safe to return to their normal workspace.  


 Medical Plaza incorporates the following features to ensure maximum fire protection and life safety: 

  1. Fire Resistive and Smoke Resistive Wall Construction 

  2. Fire Protection Standpipes   -   Valves are located in each stairwell for the use of the Fire Department.  Fire Department connections are provided at the ground level as required by code. 

  3. Fire Sprinkler System  -  All floors are fully sprinklered and are heat activated. 

  4. Fire Alarm System  -  The fire alarm system is activated by smoke detectors, heat detectors and manual pull stations on each floor.  Emergency horns and strobes are located throughout the floors to alert tenants of emergency situations.     

  5. Emergency Exits  -  There are two emergency exit stairwells – one located at each end of the building.  All exits are clearly marked with lighted “Exit” signs.   

  6. Fire Extinguishers  -  Fire extinguishers (5 lb. ABC, General Purpose, Dry Chemical) are provided on each occupied floor of the building structure at each exit stairwell.   

  7. Emergency Lighting  -  A battery pack powered emergency lighting system will provide electrical power sufficient for evacuation purposes in the event of an emergency.